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Szczuczyn Photo Album, Part 1

Pictures taken in Poland

Picture taken in Grajewo, March 17, 1939
The Zimnowicz family from Szczuczyn
visiting cousin Gitl in Grajewo
[L-R]: Yehudit Zimnowicz, Mordechai Zimnowicz,
Gitl Finkielsztejn, Yitzchak Zimnowicz, Chana Zimnowicz
Wedding announcement, in both Polish and Yiddish, 1938
of Mordchaj Bialy and Chaja Zimnowicz
Note: Both were killed in the Holocaust
"With G-d's help, we are honored to invite you to join us at the wedding of our children, Miss Chaya Zimnowicz with Mr. Mordechai Bialy. The wedding will take place, please G-d, and in a good hour, on Sunday 4th day of Kislev 4699 (Nov 27, 1938),  at 6 Rynek St., at 9:00 P.M.; With love, Chava Zimnowicz, Chaim Yitzhak Bialy and his wife."

Henchie (nee Zimnowicz) Zdrojewicz and sister Lillian (nee Zimnowicz) Gusoff

Zimnowicz Family, In the Lake, 1931
Lillian (nee Zimnowicz) Gusoff (center) She came to America in 1912 and returned for a visit in 1931. Others are members of her family
who stayed behind, including sister Henchie and her husband Dawid Zdrojewicz.

Zimnowicz Family

Rywka and Etka Gutsztejn
[Photo taken in Augustow, 1921]

Etka Gutsztejn and Moshe Kaplan, 1921 [Moshe was the son of the Szczuczyn photographer Zalman Kaplan]
See Etka's photo in 1927

Abraham Chaim Szkebelski and his
wife Gute (nee Rubinsztejn) Szkebelski
[Photo taken in Grodno, 1931,
at the wedding of Etka Gutsztejn
to Naftali Senznik]

Estera Rochla (nee Szeraszew)

Nov 18, 1929
[L-R]: Ch. Edelson, Judith Pintel,
Chana Zimnowicz, B. Tetenbaum

Hanka and Fela Ozerowicz

Bela (nee Grzymkowski) Ozerowicz

Ozerowicz Family
[L-R]: Miriam, wife Bela
(nee Grzymkowski) Ozerowicz, Fela, Hanka, husband Moshe Ozerowicz, and Berci
Read the Memoirs of Fela Ozerowicz

Berci Ozerowicz, 1940-41
Note: He was killed a few days
before liberation, by Polish killers

Lejzor Wertman, 1913

Leja Gitla (nee Kuberska) Wertman, 1913

Wertman Children, 1925
[L-R]: Frida, Srolak, and Yitzhak Wertman

Shmuel Wertman, 1918
(he was murdered in 1920)

Lejzor Wertman (middle)
and two cousins, 1915

Kejla (nee Kuberska) Zarenczanski, 1910

Pupils from Yeshiva "Novradok"
in Grajewo, 1933
Yitzhak Wertman is in upper left

Wertman Family, 1939
[Back row L-R]: Leja Gitla (nee Kuberska) Wertman, Srolak (son), Frida (Fredki) (daughter), Yitzhak Wertman, Lea (Shepsel's wife) [Front row L-R]: Lejzor Wertman, Sora Fejgel (nee Bagisz) and Zishki Wertman (the parents of Lejzor Wertman), Shepsel Wertman
[Floor L-R]: Chaya Zalka & Rutki (daughters)

Organization Pirchey Agudat Israel, 1935
Yitzhak Wertman is in back row,
first one from the left

Betar Association, 1938
Standing, 2nd from left: Hanchi (Hana) Kelson' 2nd from right: Zipora (Zipke) Kelson Sitting, 2st from left: Fredki Wertman

Memorial for Shmuel Wertman
at the cemetery in Grajewo, 1920
Fourth from left: Ichi Meir
(holding Shmuel's picture)

Malka (nee Ciechanowicz) Zimnowicz