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Szczuczyn Photo Album, Part 13

Pictures taken shortly after emigration or on trips taken while still living in Szczuczyn

Meeting of Szczuczyn
Landsmanshaftn Society in Israel
Photo ID

Bela Ozerowicz, Vilna, 1928
Read her memoirs, as told to the Bay Area Holocaust Project

Meeting of Szczuczyn
Landsmanshaftn Society in Israel
Photo ID

Fela Oserowicz and friends
at the University of Nancy, in France,

Fela Ozerowicz (front, middle)
and friends in Nancy, France,
where she attended university

Fela Ozerowicz (middle)
and friends (Luba Wiener and Sonia)
in Vilna
Zdrojewicz/Zimnowicz Family
Automobile transport business in Kalvarija, Lithuania
Noach Zimnowicz owned the same business in Szczuczyn
(and it is listed in the 1929 Business Directory); when he left for America in 1912, his son-in-law Dawid Zdrojewicz took over; at some point Dawid opened up the same business in Kalvarija
[R]: Belka (nee Elensztejn) Simon/Zimnowicz;
other person unknown
Atlantic City, ca 1925
[L-R]: Evelyn Askin, Miriam Flinker, Judy Flinker,
Bernice Flinker, Shayne (nee Finkielsztejn) Askin (Jennie Askin), Isaac Askin, Estera Rochla (nee Szeraszew) Finkielsztejn
[Estera Rochla was born in Radzilow]
New York City, 1928
[L-R]: Chana "Anne" Lieba (nee Zaks) Cohen, Joseph Zaks,
Miriam Freide "Freida" (nee Zaks) Weinberger, Harry Weinberger, Chaya Sora "Helen Sarah" (nee Zaks) Kornbluh
[All Zaks siblings were born in Radzilow, where parents,
Reb Y'Hackiel Yacov Zaks and wife, Beyla (nee Berensohn) Zaks, lived until 1911 when the family relocated to Szczuczyn]

Bennie Berris (originally Berys) ca 1920
Bennie fought all around America,
especially the western states, though he was based in Chicago. He retired from the ring around 1926, when he opened up a glass business.

Yitzhak Wertman
In Israel

Boruch Fishel Zemel
In Israel

Palestine, ca 1926
Etka (nee Mlynarsewicz) Szejnberg
and children Rebecca and Dyna

Aboard the ship George Washington, 1930
[Bottom row, 4th and 5th from left]:
Esther and Lily Kajman, on their way
from Szczuczyn to America

Bronx, NY, 1940
Esther Kajman Cooper
and her cousin Shimon Kajman

The Eridan, 1937
Docked in Sydney, Australia.
The ship brought Lozer Kajman, wife Zelda, and two children, Norman and Morrie, to Australia. [They are just to the right of center; Zelda is carrying Morrie; Lozer standing to her right; Norman standing in front]

Shepparton, Australia, 1937-38
Zelda, Morrie and Norman Kayman

Melbourne, Australia, ca 1942
Zelda and Lozer Kayman,
with children Norman and Morrie

Fay Jozefson, Catskills, NY, 1928
Read her memoirs

Chicago, ca 1911
Yitzchak Moshe (Isadore/Izzy) Kowalski and Sora Rywka (Rebecca) Kowalski

Paris, France, 1933
Lejba/Louis Zaborowski