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Szczuczyn Yizkor Book, Part 4

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Shtutsin (Szczuczyn) Jews Live On
The Creation of the Gmiles Khesedim Fund in the Name of the K'dushe Shtutsin (Szczuczyn), Z.L., in Israel
In Memory of our Beloved Shtutsin (Szczuczyn)
Boruch Fishl Zeml
The Great Mitsveh of the Gmiles Khesedim
Meyir Grinfeld
The Official Acknowledgment of the Founding of the Gmiles Khesedim in the Name of the Martyrs of Shtutsin (Szczuczyn)
The Solemn Declaration of the Shtutsin (Szczuczyn) Society of New York
Heyman Horovits
The Gmiles Khesedim Fund in the Name of the Martyrs of Shtutsin (Szczuczyn)
Yeshiah Skubelski
The Old and New Gmiles Khesedim
Ruven Finkelshteyn
General Report of the Gmiles Khesedim Fund
General Accounts; Cycle of Loans

Former Residents of Shtutsin (Szczuczyn) Now Citizens of Israel
The Managing Committee and Auditing Commission of the Gmiles Khesedim Fund
List of Photographs


Former Residents of Shtutsin (Szczuczyn) Now Living in Israel
Ozerovitsh Moyshe
Ozerovitsh Chaneh
Ozerovitsh Miryam
Ozerovitsh Rivkeh, Leybl Ozerovitsh's daughter
Aronson Avrom, grandchild of Moysh Chaim
Aronson Boruch
Apshteyn Itkeh, D. Leybl Yeruchamovits's daughter
Abyedzinski Itkeh, Moyshe Abyedzinski's daughter
Brandenburg Rochl
Bialishevski Itkeh
Bialishevski Gayleh
Berman Shloymeh, son of Minkhes the shames of the synagogue
Berman Meyir, ibid. grandchild
Burshteyn Tsirel, Pesach Yakobi's daughter
Bezsmertni Dov, Yakov Rozental's grandchild
Gutshteyn Mindl
Gutshteyn Shirkeh
Guzovski Yakov Hersh
Guzovski Helki
Grinfeld Meyir, Fayvl the doctor's son
Grinfeld Rochl, Yechsikiel Magid's daughter
Grinfeld Tsiporeh, Meyir Grinfeld's daughter
Grinfeld Rivkeh
Goldman Yakov
Goldman Alte, Itshe Katsprovsk's daughter
Goldman Soreh-Etkeh, Goldman's daughter
Goldfarb Avrom, Itskeh the cobbler's daughter
Grayevski Yisroel, Sholem Stavisker's son
Grosman Sholem Eliyezer
Grosman Rafayel
Grosman Meysheh
Gamzan Avrom
Gamzan Berteh, Gershon's daughter
Gamzan Rivkeh, ibid.
Gamzan Frumeh, ibid.
Gamzan Chayeh, ibid.
Dorf Matul, Meyir Malitsak's son
Dalinski Yehudeh, Yakov's son
Denemark Moysheh, Yakov's son
Denemark Friden, Yankel Sharashuv's sister
Dzbanitski Beylkeh
Dzbanitski Rochl
Dzbanitski Regineh
Hey and Vov
Vertman Yitschak, Leyzer the hatmaker's son
Vilentski Rivkeh, Yikhzakals Magid's daughter
Zeml Boruch Fishl
Zeml Chayeh
Zeml Leyeh
Zeyfert Yitschak
Zeyfert Bashki
Zeyfert Ester
Khelkhavski Berl, Yehoshue the teacher's son
Khelkhavski Basyeh, Yikhzakal Vansavske's daughter
Khelkhavski Basyeh, Yikhzakal Vansavske's daughter
Yeruchamovits Ruven, Yisroel's son
Yakubovski Avrom, Shmuelke's son
Yakubovski Ruven, ibid.
Leyzerzon Avrom, Zalmen's son
Leyzerzon Soreh, Alter's daughter
Liberman Eliyohu
Liberman Shmuel
Liberman Feyvl
Liberman Rochl
Lindzberg Avrom
Lichtenshteyn Mendl, Yitschak Yankl's son
Lichtenshteyn Avrom, Zeydeh the butcher's son
Levar Avrom, Kopl the blacksmith's son
Lichtenshteyn Meyir, Chaim the tailor's children
Lichtenshteyn Zalmen, ibid.
Lichtenshteyn Yitschak, ibid.
Lichtenshteyn Minachem, ibid.
Lichtenshteyn Masha, ibid.
Lichtenshteyn Rivkeh, ibid.
Liviteh Yitschak Yakov, Zalmen the scribe's son
Leybzon Fredek, Yosl's son
Leybzon Lolek, ibid.
Markus Dvureh
Markus Chaneh (Golombek)
Mlinarzevits Libeh, Yshshkhr's children
Mlinarzevits Avrom Shloymeh, ibid.
Mlinarzevits Meyir, ibid.
Mlinarzevits Gitl, ibid.
Mishkovski Leybl, Yikhzakal's (the hatmaker) children
Mishkovski Etkeh, ibid.
Meyzler Mishulem, Stawiskier's son (head of the yeshivah)
Michalski Fishl
Magid Reyzl, the candy maker's daughter
Skubelski Yeshiah
Skubelski Peshki, Binyomts's grandchild
Skubelski Libeh
Skubelski Etke
Sarneh Avrom Yitschak, Yosl the miller's from Grayeve (Grajewo)
Sarneh Reyzl
Studnik Chaneh
Studnik Simeh
Sosnovski Feygeh, Leybl the porter's daughter
Sisnovski Elkeh, ibid.
Simenski Boruch
Simenski Chaim
Simenski Yitschak
Savitski Chayeh, Itseh Savitski's daughter
Savitski Yoyneh, Yisroel Savitski's grandchild
Farbarovits Moysheh
Farbarovits Leyeh
Finkelshteyn Ruven
Figubski Chaveh
Figubski Etke
Farber Zeldeh
Finkelman Yoel, the baker's son
Finkelshteyn Velvl, Hershl Ezra the locksmith's son
Pikel Chaneh Reyzl, Shmuel Beri's daughter
Fanits Yakov, Yoysef Panits's son
Pintel Zelden, the chazzan's (cantor) daughter
Plutsinski Shoshanah
Finkelshteyn Chaim
Perleh Yakhzakal, Litman Studnik's nephew
Tsigan Moyshe, Avrom Ch. Finkelshteyn's adopted grandson
Tsigan Reyzl, Chaim Eli Denemark's daughter
Kanel Tsvi, Reb Yosele, Z.TS.L., the Rabbi's children
Kanel Chayeh Feygl, ibid.
Kolodni Asher
Kolodni Fradl
Kolodni Shmuel
Kolodni Feygul
Kozlovits Gadalyohu
Kozlovits Michal
Kozlovits Dov
Keyzer Yakov
Keyzer Gutki, Yoysef Panits's daughter
Katsperovski Chinkeh, Itseh Katsperovski's children
Katsperovski Chaven Sulki, ibid.
Kiyek Alter, Shloymeh Yudl Kiyek's grandchild
Ruzeh Moyshe
Ruzeh Chayeh
Rozen Yehoshue, Pinches Rozen's children
Rozen Shifreh, ibid.
Rozen Merki, ibid.
Rozental Yehudis, Nechamyeh Rozental's children
Rozental Fulki, ibid.
Roterozen Rivkeh, Alter Roterozen's daughter
Rozenson Meyir, Aaron Zelig Shleyfer's son
Remba Chaim, Moysheh Michl's son
Sheynberg Hillel
Sheynberg Chaim
Sheynberg Dvureh, Veve's wife
Sheynberg Sholemkeh, (Yakov) Veve's children
Sheynberg Chaveh, ibid.
Sheynberg Etul, ibid.
Shteygman Yakhzakal
Shteygman Miryam
Shteygman Zelig
Shteygman Chenyek
Sheynberg Shmuel
Sheynberg Nechameh
Sheynberg Shloymeh, Yakov Sheynberg's son
Shtern Leybl, Yakhzakal Shtern's son
Shklarzevski Nachum, Moysheh's son
Sharashov Yankl
Shvartsberg Abyezer, Shimon's son
Shvartsberg Yisroel, ibid.
Sheynberg Zeldeh
Sheynberg Chantseh
Borenshteyn Chaneh
Gutman Bashki, Leybki Gutman's daughter
Vilamovski Dovid
Rozenbaum Chaim, Boruch Glezer's grandchild
Segalovits Gitl, Zundl Shloser's children
Kaufman Yitschak, ibid.
Beris Leybl, Yakhzakal's son
Beris Chaneh, Shloymeh's daughter
Briskin Perl
Veligshteyn Velvl, Mindl Gutshteyn's son
Sklazshevski Leybl
Blumberg Gitl

The Managing Committee and Auditing Commission of the Gmiles Khesedim Fund Named After the Martyred of Shtutsin (Szczuczyn) Are the Following:

    Boruch Fishl Zeml - Chairman
    Hillel Sheynberg - Vice-chairman
    Yeshiah Skubelski - Treasurer
    Sholemkeh Sheynberg - Secretary
    Meyir Grinfeld
    Motl Dorf
    Moyshe Ozerovits
    Mindl Veligshteyn (Gutshteyn)
    Ruven Finkelshteyn

Messages to our organization of "Survivors of Szczuczyn" and to the Gmiles Khesidim Fund, should be sent to the following address:

Yeshiah Skubelski
Dizengof 205
Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: 20.855

All photos open in pop-up windows. Copies of the larger versions, without the "szczuczyn.com"mark, distributed upon request.
For even larger versions, at 300 dpi, in much greater detail, please contact me.
Page Photo Description
6 The Great Synagogue.
8 The market street with the small garden in the middle.
Additional note: Now grassed over and is a park. Square is a full square block. Note how small the figures are.
9 The synagogue and the post office.
10 A market day.
12 The Holy Ark in the Great Synagogue; photographed in the year 1916. Standing from right to left: Moyshe Galant, may the memory of this righteous person be blessed, and Yeshiah Skubelski.
13 The Illustrious (Gaon) Rabbi, Reb Yosele, may the memory of this righteous person be blessed.
Additional note: Revered by both Jews and Poles. Died mid 1930's.
15 The teachers of the Povshekhner School. Standing from right to left: Dina Rozen, Yankl Berman, Rochl Tetenbaum, and Fani Bergshteyn. Sitting: Hinde Kayman, VelvI Bergshteyn and Sneyntseh Lev.
17 The committee B'nai Zion (The Sons of Zion) in the year 1917. Sitting from right to left: Gentlemen: Yitschak Moyshe Vofinski, Dovid Sheynberg, Boruch Leyzer Skubelski and Shia-Mordche Bergshteyn. Standing from right to left: Berl Penzuch, Shloyme Kayman, Boruch Simenski, Leybl Diblenski, and Motl Penzuch.
18 The committee B'nai Zion in the year 1926. Sitting from right to left: Notke Rubinovits, Boruch Leyzer Skubelski, Feygl Sheynberg, Leybl Finkelshteyn, Boruch Fishl Zeml, Chaye Nayman and Shloymke Sheynberg. Standing: Yitschak Moyshe Vofinski, Yoysef Shereshevski and BerI Penzuch.
19 The Kerin Hayisud (Establishment Fund Commission of the Zionist Organization) in the year 1925. Sitting from right to left: Shloymke Sheynberg, Notke Rubinovits, Rabbi Rubinzon, Boruch Fishl Zeml and Boruch Leyzer Skubelski. Standing are: Leybl Finkelshteyn, Yoysef Shereshevsky and Sosnovski Hershl.
20 The Kerin Kayemet (Eternal Fund Committee for Israel). Standing from right to left: Yeshiah Skubelski, Kubish Sheynberg and Avreml Ebenshteyn. Sitting: Shprintse Leyzerzon, Feygl Sheynberg (President) and Zelda Pintel. Kneeling: Leyki Sheynberg and Yenta Finkelshteyn.
21 The Kerin Kayemet Committee in the year 1935. Sitting from right to left: Shaytsuk Bronervayn, Chaytse Sovitski, Nachum Vayngrovski, Boruch Fishl Zeml (President), Yeshiah Skubelski, Sorekeh Zeml and Itke Kaymen. Standing: VelvI Finkelshteyn, Blumberg Gitl, Zilkevits Aaron Dovid, Mine Radishkanski, Katsper and Masha Nitskovski. The third row: Mishke Denemark, Rivke Finkelshteyn, Dube Nitskovski, Lichtenshteyn Rayzke, Dabi Finkelshteyn and Chaim Eli Finkelshteyn.
22 The Kerin Kayemet bazaar for Israel in the year 1934. Standing from right to left: Layke Laybzon, Yehude Dalinski, Sheyntse Katsperovski, Soreke Zeml, Yakov Savitski, Gitl Blumberg, Zelde Sheynberg, Chaye Zebar, Mashe Sosnovski and Etke Skubelski. Sitting: Radziminski, Merki Rozen, Pulki RozentaI, Shaytsak Bronervayn, Nachum Vayngrovski, Shayne Milvoski, Boruch Fish Zeml, Yeshia Skubelski, Zebar Mordche, Leyzerzon Zalmen's wife, Yitschak Moyshe Vofinski and Yehudit Rozental. The third row: Dabi Nitskovski, Soreh Golding, Gamzan, Mashe Nitskovski, Reyzl Lichtenshtayn, Dalinski and Staviskovski.
23 The Kerin Kayemet Committee. The first row: From right to left: Meyir Leyzerzon, Kayman, Nisen Kayman, Mine Shiblaynski, Yeruchamovits Avrom Yitschak and Leybl Rozental. The second row: Vofinski Rivke, Denemark Belke, Nachum Vayngrubski, Alter Bibliovits (President), Shimon Stalnikevits, Ribe Kaplan, Nayman Moyshe Aaron, and Azerovitz Binyomin. The third row: Blumert Mati, Yeruchamovits Leybl, Finkelshteyn Rubin, and Sorelki Grayevski. The fourth row: Zilkevits, Gelberg Blumke, Kelson Altke, Panush Elimelech, and Yeruchemovits Leybl.
24 The Hertsaliah Committee. Standing from right to left: Kuberski Henoch, Meyetek Bergshteyn, Sheyntse Katsperovski, Mashke Tetenbaum and Avrom Leyzerzon. Sitting from right to left: Rivke Danilevits Tseshnik, a Hebrew teacher and Shevnke Skubelski. Lying: Itsak Gudovski and Yedidiah Sosnovski.
25 The Hechaluts Managing Committee in 1925. Sitting from right to left: Yankl Garbarski, Leyvi Sheynberg and Yeshiah Skubelski. Standing: Shloyme Ramorovski and Shtrumilavski Tsvi.
26 The Hechaluts in 1925. Standing from right to left: Dvurtsi Tetinbaum, Nisen Kayman, Yeshiah Skubelski, Etul Sheynberg, Levi Sheynberg, Yankl Garbarski and Ruvin Finkelshtayn. Sitting: Chaim Beris, Niske Kayman, Leyke Sheynberg, Avrom Sosnovski, Chave Sheynberg, Moyshe Aaron Nayman and Berman Avrom. Sitting: Yosl Dorf, Chantse Tetinbaum, Henyik Shtaygman, and Sheyndl Savitski. Lying: Kubish Sheynberg and Mashke Tetinbaum.
27 A group from the preparatory training kibbutz in 1925. Standing: The first - Yeshiah Skubelski and the last - Kubish Sheynberg. Sitting: The first - Chenyik Shtaygman and the fourth - Chaye Golding.
28 Hashomer Hatzair Committee in the year 1926. Sitting from right to left: Nachum Vengrowski, Pishke Tikatsinski, Yankl Denemark, Ribe Kaplan and Avreml Gutman.
29 The Hechaluts in 1931 Standing from right to left in the first row: The Rimarz son, Yoysef Lubetski, Lichtenshtayn, Shvartsberg, Meyir Berman. The second row: Yitschak Lubetski, Aaron Levar, Gamzan, Mashi Nitskovski, Avtsi Sosnovski and Yoyel Kayman. Sitting: Matul Leyzerzon, Avyedzinski Michl , Leyvi Sheynberg, Dvure Tetinbaum, Leybl Yeruchamovits; Fishl Katsper and Yuhude Dalinski. Lying Yankl Panits, Denemark, Reyzl Lichtinshtayn, Yeruchamovits Ruvin, Salomon, Savitski Yakov and Velvl Finkelshtayn.
31 Hebrew evening classes in 1917. The first row standing from right to left: Leybl Sheynberg, Mati Blumert, Feygl Skubelski, Kayman and Yankl Sharashov. The second row: Berman, Zelde Sheynberg, Kayman, Yente Finkelshtayn, and Berman. The third row: Gutman, Bronervayn, Tseshnik, Blumberg, Sheyntse Katsperovski, Shirke Gutshtayn, Tsirl Tutlman, Segalovits and Skubelski Yeshiah. Sitting: Gutman, Itke Bergman, Soritse Tetinboym, Nisevits Soreh, the teacher Zilbershtayn, Chane Zaks, Libe Skubelski and Vasershtayn. The last row: Zelda Pintel, Chinke Goldfarb, Rivtse Berman, Chaytse Zeml, Rozental, Danilevits Rivtse, Dvure Tetinboym and Gutman.
32 The Library Committee. Standing from right to left: Rochl Tetinbaum, Shloymka Sheynberg and Pishke Skubelski. Sitting: Gutki Shereshevski, Soreh Okunyevski, Soretse Tetinboym and Yeruchamovits. Sitting: Moyshe Chaim Kalinski and Yankl Denemark.
33 The Library Committee of B'nai Zion in 1923. From right to left: Gentlemen: Yoysef Shereshevski, Shloymke Sheynberg, Boruch Leyzer Skubelski, Yeshiah Skubelski and Chaye Blume Kayman. Standing: Chave Sheynberg.
34 Kerin Kayemet of Israel in 1928. from right to left: Yeruchamovits Leybl, Yeruchamovits Avrom Yitschak, Chaytse Savitski, Ruvin Finkelshtayn, Meyir Leyzerzon, Panush Elimelech and Soralki Grayevski.
35 Drama Circle with Director Motl Penzuch. Standing from right to left: Aaron Leyzer Miler, Leybl Yeruchamovits, Feytse Farbarovits, Yankl Denemark, Masha Nitskovski, Motl Dorf and Yakov Savitski. Sitting: Avrom Meyir Abyedzinski, Shaytsak Bronervayn, Mine Shiblaynski, Motl Penzuch, Mine Radishkanski and Shloyme Romorovski. The third row: Berl Penzuch, Chaytse Savitski, Sorelki Goldfarb and Edelson Mine.
36 Drama Circle With Director Chaim Leyzer Bergshtayn. Standing from right to left: Ruvin Yeruchamovits, BerI Chelchovski, Aleksandrovits, Sorelki Goldfarb, Chaytse Savitski, Yakov Savitski, Mindl Lichtenshtayn, Abyedzinski Avrom Meyir. The second row: Zaydke Beris, Shloyme Ramorovski, Chaim Leyzer Bergshtayn, Mine Shiblaynski arid Sorelki Grayevski. Third row: Panush Elimelech, Rivke Finkelshtayn, Ruvin Finkelshtayn, and Shaytsak Bronervayn. The fourth row: Yankl Vonsovski, Efrayim Kuberski, Sender Vonsovski, Yoysef Lubetski and Myetik.
37 The Lines Hatsedek Committee in 1916. Standing from right to left, the first row: Zaydki Zalbrat, Rochl Katsper, Gershon Sheynberg, Mindl Gutshtayn, Soretse Katsperovski, Chaye Soreh Skubelski, Leye Farbarovits, Yosef Shereshevski, Hirshfeld, Shloyme Kayman and Leybl Finkelshtayn. The second row: Chaye Neyman, Chaim Bertsi Sheynberg, Alte Bronervayn, Chaim Leyzer Bronervayn, Chaim Leyzer Bergshtayn, Soreh Goldfarb, Motl Penzuch, Gutman, Shie-Mordche Bergshtayn, and Soretse Tetinbaum. Sitting: Sheyne Finkelshtayn, Boruch Fishl Zeml, Tsipke Gutman, Hillel Ber Sheynberg, Asher Kolodni, Beylke Sheynberg, Avrom Chone Finkelshtayn, Sheyne Arzonzon and Shloyme Burshteyn. Lying: Avrom Milavski, Sheyne Milavski, Malke Sheynberg and Boruch Simeynski.
38 The Council and Auditing Committee of the Gmiles Khesedim Fund in 1930. Sitting from right to left: Zaydke Goldberg, Ruvin Finkelshtayn, Shimon Kayman, Ebyezer Shikora, Alter Tsivyakovski, Kalman Bernshtayn and Nachum Vengrovski. Standing: Granovits Tuvye, Zishke Levinovits and Yankl Denemark.
42 The Managing Committee of the Bank in 1929. Sitting from right to left: Boruch Rozenboym, Leyzer Sosnovski, Itse Savitski, Boruch Fishl Zeml (chairman), Bibliovits Alter, Yankl Goldman, Doctor Rozental Moyshe and Avrom Chone Finkelshtayn.
114 Mourning Reunion, the 15th of Kislev, 5713. Sitting from right to left: Misters, Moyshe Ozerovits, Asher Kolodni, Sholemkeh Sheynberg, Meyir Grinfeld, Hillel Sheynberg, Boruch Fishl Zeml, Hekhzon Rukhberg, Yeshiah Skubelski, Motl Dorf, Ben Chelchovski, Moyshe Farbarovits and Mindl Gutshteyn.
129 Visit from Mr. Chaim Mordche Horovits on the founding of the Gmiles Khesedim Fund (Interest-Free Loan Fund). Sitting from right to left: Yakov Hersh Guzovski, Yeshiah Skubelski, Rochel Meyran from America, Chaim Mordche Horovits - Secretary of the Shtutsin (Szczuczyn) Society in New York, Sholemkeh Sheynberg and Boruch Fishl Zeml. Sitting in the second row: Sarna Avrom-Yitschak, and Libeh Skubelski. Standing from right to left: Bashki Farbarovits, Shmuel Sheynberg, Miryam Shteygman, Pishkeh Skubelski, Chave Sheynberg, Henyek Shteygman, Zeldeh Farber, Etl Sheynberg, Yankl Goldman, Mindl Gutshteyn, Tsigan Reyzl, Vilenski Rivkeh, Yankl Sharashov, Rochl Grinfeld, Leykeh Zeml, Gamzon and Chaveh Sulki Katsprovski.

My thanks to Dr. Alex Stone for contributing and granting me permission to reprint his English translation of Hurban Kehilat Szczuczyn, published in Tel Aviv, 1954, by Former Residents of Szczuczyn in Israel. Dr. Stone had graciously sent me copies many years ago, when I first learned of my family's Szczuczyn roots. All spellings in the portions reprinted here are written as they appear in the translation, with a few exceptions, most notably, substituting "Ch" instead of the "Kh" as is found throughout for such names as Khaye (Chaye) or Borukh (Boruch).

Optical scanning and editing of Dr. Stone's translation, by Jose Gutstein.
Photos contributed by Mike Marvins and Jose Gutstein.

This version of the Szczuczyn Yizkor Book is Copyright ©2002 by Jose Gutstein.
NOTE: A few names and phrases have been deliberately inserted throughout the text, which are not in the original, but which do not alter the context, to easily detect unauthorized use and publication of this material, on the internet or elsewhere.